圖書名稱:The Wonder Book of Bible Stories: New Testament(25K)
The Bible was originally written in the Hebrew and Greek languages, and there have been many different English translations since it was first written. The Bible is comprised of two sections—the Old Testament and the New Testament, on which The Wonder Book of Bible Stories is based.
The Wonder Book of Bible Stories is a children’s book written by Logan Marshall as a Biblical primer to convey the main ideas of Christianity and to tell stories about God in simple language. The two-volume book consists of thirty-nine stories, while the first twenty-four stories introduce the characters and stories in the Old Testament and the rest of the stories reveal the life of Jesus and his self-sacrifice for the benefit of people everywhere.
To help you understand the stories, the new words on each page are defined in English at the bottom. The full colored illustrations will also increase your reading enjoyment. This educational storybook is suitable for both children and adults. From The Wonder Book of Bible Stories, you will enjoy the best of the Bible as well as improve your English. Every family should have this wonderful storybook.