Over 120 model sentences. Every model sentence has practical exercises to lead the students toward correct usage. Clear explanations of grammatical points, especially to speakers of Asian languages. Distinct comparison showing when and how to use each type of sentence. 收錄英語句型120餘條,囊括基本文法與常用句式。 每個句型均有豐富的代換練習,學生只要按步就班地學習,便可駕輕就熟地寫出優美的句子。 因應亞洲人學英語經常遇到的困難,詳細解說文法重點、句型結構及用法訣竅,讓您不但知道如何造句,還能根據不同情況使用恰當的句子表達自己。 This book is intended to teach the students to think more like native speakers through the drilling of sentence patterns . They thereby develop the subconscious habit of thinking immediately in complete sentences rather than stringing together words. Native speakers find it difficult to understand incorrect sentence patterns. They often cannot guess the real meaning. With each pattern in this book, students drill the right words in the right places. The patterns given here are idiomatic and commonly used in real life situations . In addition to practicing the models in the book, students are encouraged to use vocabulary they already know to create new sentences for situations that come from their own day to day experiences.