圖書簡介In Hong Kong the responsibility for building and operating hospitals was used to be shared between the Government of Hong Kong and a number of charities, including religious orders, some with traditions dating back to the earliest times. Unfortunately this dual system of government and subvented hospitals was not integrated, leading to problems of coordination and management and resulting in gaps and duplication in services, inefficient and ineffective use of resources as well as low staff morale. The problems had persisted against a background of significant population growth, rising community expectations and technological advancement. Fundamental and radical solutions were needed.
Overseas experts were invited by the Hong Kong Government to study the situation in the mid-1980s. Finally the Government adopted their proposal and set up an autonomous body, the Hospital Authority, to tackle this crucial problem. The development of this local health care system since the 1980s, the setting up of the Hospital Authority and its work in the past few years form the subject of this book.