001 Editor’s Notes
008 Contributors
010 Design Capital in Time and Nature時間與自然中的設計之都
016 The artist Ended the Sorrow Before Sunrise 藝術勞動者在日出前終結悲傷
022 The timelessness of Architecture Extends to Daily Life
026 Excellent Design is Art 好設計是一門藝術
030 a.k.a.WSS:Consciousness of Time 草莓救星與時間意念
036 Women's Body Politics -- The Birth of 'Show On App'
042 The Harbor in Humanities of Finnish Film 芬蘭電影的人文海港
044 Burning Hearts Helsinki 燃燒之心、赫爾辛基
■Ciyt Outlook
046 Helsinki and its idosyncrasies 赫爾辛基其風格習性
050 Record the Essence of Helsinki's Daily Life 記錄赫爾辛基的日常紋理
-攝影師jussi hellsten
054 Time Eclipse and Harvest 時蝕 '拾實
-裝置藝術家Kaisu Koivisto
058 Flowing Paints and Spreading Colors 落彩綻顏
-視錄影像藝術家Hannu Karjalainen
062 Perspective Fun, Creative Secret Language Outside the Time Frame
透視玩味 時間框架外的創意密語
066 Chaotic, Splendid, and Humorous Presumptuous Revolt
-滑稽藝術節Helsinki Burlesque
070 Life is the Performance 生活即是展演
-表演藝術Mimosa Pale
■cacao Event
074 To Innovate, To Surpass -- Sail across International Borders 'READY' GO!
■Creative Life
078 Being Alive is Happiness, 'Rye Field in Fantasy'
082 The golden touch -- the infinite possibilities of R & D:
the power of MINIWIZ
■cacao Event
086 Charming Dress, Bright New Strength
090 Vision∕An old refutation of time
094 Destination∕When everything is cold.
萬物有冷時。(編號223 專欄)
096 Publishing∕wish to discuss the existence of nonexistence.
098 Performance Art∕In the room, I have lived 28 times...
100 Book∕VVG Something好樣本事
101 Music∕White Wabbit Records小白兔唱片
102 Architecture∕Experiments of Salt and Dwelling --
Thesis design at Architecture School, KTH, 2012
104 Communication∕Pseudo Q&A(2)偽問與答(2)
■cacao Event
110 2012 Kaohsiung Film Festival -- Science Fiction Saves the Future
112 Jozy Chen陳昭旨
114 Candy Bird
■cacao Actions
116 'Saying no to nuclear power' is to reject the inexpressible potential fear, and take control back over sustainable living.
121 Raphaelle Sun∕Student∕Taiwan
122 Patrick Atkinson∕Teacher∕U.K
123 Josh Yang∕ bass of PSYCHO∕Taiwan
124 Caterina Geraci∕ student∕Italy, Ferrara
■cacao Event
126 CNEX 'Youth and Citizenship' Documentary Film Festival
CNEX 「青春有為」主題紀錄片影展
■cacao News
128 Next issue:Firenze and One night