【 中英文對照版 】
A Curious Seed
文 / 圖 郭鴻韻
A Curious Seed
文 / 圖 郭鴻韻
英譯 / 常筱梅、歐雪貞
Chi Chi Bird and Miu Miu Cat are best friends.
Miu Miu Cat dreams of flying, even though he has no wings.
Chi Chi Bird has wings, but he can only flutter through the forest.
他們倆最後領悟出飛行的智慧 ― 有一對「幻想的翅膀」,可以帶領他們前往世界的各個角落。
One day they discover a magical secret:
With a pair of imaginary wings, they can fly anywhere in the world.
Chi Chi Bird and Miu Miu Cat soar on their imaginary wings,
exploring new places. And every time they come back to the forest,
they bring wonderful stories to share.
這是奇奇鳥和妙妙貓帶回來的另一個故事 ―
Here’s another story brought back from Chi Chi Bird and Miu Miu Cat ―