在澳洲雪梨Le Cordon Bleu(法國藍帶廚藝學院)主修西點料理期間,學得一手烘焙技巧,加上在International College of Hotel Management主修飯店管理的學習經驗,讓她比別人擁有更完整的餐飲服務概念,於是回到台灣,親手規劃經營了以自然花園為主題的烏樹林餐廳以及品嘗鬆餅點心為主的「Dears Waffle ,Bakery&Cafe」。
part1. 蘋果apple
1. 烤蘋果( baked apples with caramel sauce)/奢侈的蘋果滋味
2. 蘋果粗粒小麥粉舒芙蕾(baked apple in a semolina souffle) /日本旅行的回憶
3. 諾曼第蘋果塔(tart normandy/ tarte aux pommes normande) /法國最家常的甜點
4. 蘋果泥冰碎(apple cider slushy ) /最棒的夏日零嘴
5. 蘋果脆皮捲 (apple strudel )/吵架的人一起拉捲皮吧!
6. 炸的蘋果甜甜圈 (apple fritters)/誰說甜甜圈只有一種做法?!
7. 格蘭諾拉燕麥蘋果角(chocolate-granola apple wedges )/吃了忍不住轉圈圈!
part 2. 香蕉 banana
1.泰式香蕉(thai fried bananas )/ 泰國室友教的道地甜點
2.巴西咖啡拌香蕉(brazilian coffee bananas )/巴西咖啡的甜品吃法
3.香蕉麵包布丁(banana bread pudding )/吃了會想流淚的家常布丁
4.B.B.Q烤香蕉(barbecued banana with spicy vanilla spread )/烤肉時不要忘了!
5.香蕉春捲(deep fried Banana and peanut butter spring roll)/還是沒用榴槤!
6.香蕉船(banana split)/我的青春呢?!
7.香蕉棒棒糖 (banana crunchy pops)/是真的水果棒棒糖
part 3. 梨和核果類 pear and Stone fruits
1.紅酒燴洋梨(poached pear in red wine )/同樣都是燉梨!
2.香料水梨烤包(spiced pear and blueberry parcels )/朋友猜不透的秘密配方
3.巧克力義大利蛋白餅桃子船(chocolate amaretti peaches)/和冰島老奶奶交換的下午茶點
4.熱的李子布丁(hot plum batter pudding )/聖誕節最受歡迎的甜點
5.薑味烤水梨(ginger baked pears)/奶油焦糖水梨口味
6.水梨醬糜佐巧克力(ice pear terrine with chocolate sauce)/法式料理的傳統做法
7.李子起司包(plum filo pocket )/現成的禮物袋
8.西洋梨香蕉塔(pear and banana ice cream tower )/不是一般人想得出來的水果塔
9.培根水梨捲(pear and bacon roll /女生最愛的前菜
part 4. 莓果類 berries
1.藍莓起司土司餅(blueberry and cheese toast) /吐司不是配果醬
2.焦糖紅酒醋草莓(strawberries in vinegar )/立刻做立刻吃的草莓醋
3.漿果蛋白霜(pavlova with summer berries)/輕盈的芭蕾舞步
4.草莓穿著巧克力(strawberries with chocolate coating)/當保母的獎賞!
5.荷蘭鬆餅(dutch babies/ dutch baby pancake)/不是荷蘭人的荷蘭鬆餅
6.藍莓玉米沙拉(blueberries and corn relish)/很奇妙的搭擋!
7.櫻桃穿衣服(cherry beignet)/ 法式甜甜圈
8.莓果佐天使醬(berries with Crème anglaise )/奶香與香草味
9.不烤的藍莓起司蛋糕(no bake blueberry cheese cake pot )/起司蛋糕不用烤
part 5. 柑橘類citrus fruits
1.橙香火焰薄餅(crepe suzette)/來一場餐桌上的火焰秀!
2.檸檬牛奶醬(lemon posset )/檸檬加鮮奶,是一種魔術!
3.柑橘沙拉(citrus compote )/西方人的早餐
4.烤葡萄柚(broiled grapefruit with cinnamon and brown sugar)/絕妙的焦糖果香
5.柳橙手抓餅(filo fruit scrunchies )/吃軟不吃硬!
6.檸檬札片(mafia )/黑手黨的檳榔
1.甜瓜薄荷甜湯(melon and mints soup with pink grapefruits)/我們是西瓜超人
2.薑味西瓜沙拉(watermelon, ginger and grapefruit salad)/愛上薑味
3.帕馬火腿小黃甜瓜捲(melon with parma ham and cucumber slice )/請多記些食物單字
4.橄欖西瓜串(olive and water melon bite )/餐後點心不老派
part7. 熱帶水果tropical fruit
1.串烤鳳梨(barbecued pineapple boats with rum glaze)/個性小伙子與成熟女人
2.芒果莎莎佐墨西哥玉米片(mango salsal with doritos)/沒有人不愛的莎莎醬!
3.芒果佐白巧克力醬(mango with white chocolate)/怎麼這麼搭!
4.燃燒鳳梨(pineapple flambé) /燃燒吧!鳳梨!
5.過濾的鳳梨汁( pina colada)/波多黎各國飲
6.芒果提拉米穌(mangomisu )/帶我走,而且好好的品嘗我!
7.沙巴雍奶油烤水果(summer fruit gratin (with sweet sabayon) )/義大利經典甜點醬汁
8.辣味芒果塔(chili mango raw mini-tarts)/打下來的夏日滋味
9.木瓜水果沙拉 (thai papaya salad)/這不是你想的泰式沙拉!
part 8.葡萄grapes
1. 葡萄優格果凍(grapes in grape-yogurt jelly )/做果凍很便利
2. 華爾道夫沙拉(waldorf salad)/草原系女生
3. 西班牙冷湯(white grape gazpacho )/暑氣全消!
4. 葡萄甜薯船(roasted grape in sweet potato boat)/沒想到這麼搭!
5. 紅酒燉葡萄(red wine cook with grape )/小孩子專屬的紅酒
part 9. 其它類水果 others
1.葡萄優格果凍(grapes in grape-yogurt jelly )/做果凍很便利
2.華爾道夫沙拉(waldorf salad)/草原系女生
3.西班牙冷湯(white grape gazpacho )/暑氣全消!
4.葡萄甜薯船(roasted grape in sweet potato boat)/沒想到這麼搭!
5.紅酒燉葡萄(red wine cook with grape )/小孩子專屬的紅酒