《理性與感性》描寫艾蓮娜和瑪麗安這一對姐妹花的愛情故事,姊姊生性內斂固執,看待愛情經常是壓抑隱忍,而妹妹則是熱情衝動,所以,當她們遇上自己心儀的男子,兩人對愛情採取的態度,就呈現了理性與感性的兩端個性。故事中代表理性的姊姊艾蓮娜,在與愛德華互生情愫後,因其對方母親反對兩人的交往,所以她只能克制愛意以掩飾自己的情感;相反的,代表感性的妹妹瑪麗安,不願受到一般的社會道德束縛,在與一個她相愛的人一見鐘情後,不顧姊姊的勸說、就毫無保留地奉獻出自己的愛情。從故事中,可以看出在當時保守的社會風氣,女性在種種的壓抑之下,所展現的愛情觀。 Macmillan Students’ Novels are intended for those reading major classic novels for the first time and in particular students taking first examinations. Each volume contains the complete text, together with an introduction, a section of plates and explanatory notes. Information on the author is provided, together with background to the novel and detailed comments on the plot, the language used and the literary qualities of the work. First published in 1811, Sense and Sensibility has always been on of the most loved of Jane Austen’s novels. Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are sisters, and each has to face disappointment and unhappiness because of desertion by the man she loves. Their contrasting reactions reflect the ’sense’ of one sister, and the ’sensibility’ of the other. This attractive and sensitive love story is enriched by the author’s gentle irony and her profound awareness of the subtleties of human relationship.