Part One Act One
Into the World of Wonderland
Scene 2
Witch: Sure you can. But I thought your wife wanted you to watch your calorie consumption.
Giant: Shhhh. Let’s keep this just between us. Marriage can make people age quickly. I need some sweets to feel like I’m still young.
Part One Act Two
Run, Forest, Run
Scene 2
The Queen: Why is a young lad like you wandering in the forest with my daughter?
Tim: Your Majesty. I’ve never met her until today.
The Queen: All her ex-boyfriends told me the same thing when I caught them with her in the forest.
Tim: Look at me. Snow White is totally out of my league.
The Queen: I’d really like to believe you and be a merciful Queen. But as the mother of a princess, I must protect her pure and innocent image. Now that I have revealed Snow White’s dating history with a slip of my tongue, sorry, you must be silenced.
Part One Act Four
Back to Where It Started
Scene 3
After being carried around in the wind for a while, Tim and the Giant fall onto the dining table in the Candy House. The Witch of the Candy House, Hansel and Gretel are just about to eat.
Witch: (startled.) Oh! Look who’s joined us for dinner! What a feast!
Giant: (pointing at Tim.) He’s a real boy, much more delicious than me.
Tim: (mockingly.) What a good friend!
Part One Act Four
Return, Revenge & Reconcile
Scene 3
Wizard: I’m giving him CPR.
Mouse Prince: You hypocrite! First your Nutcracker stabbed him and now you’re beating him to death with your bloody hands!
Wizard: Oh no. These are just my red gloves. (He removes his gloves.) See, I have clean hands.
Part Two Act Five
Return, Revenge & Reconcile
Scene 5
The Wolf: (faking as a salesman.) Knock knock.
First Little Pig: Who's there?
The Wolf: A salesman.
Second Little Pig: A salesman who?
The Wolf: A salesman who sells the best snacks in the world!
When the First Little Pig is about to open the door, the Third Little Pig stops him.
The Wolf: (ducking behind the tree.)No way! They’ve already learned how to use those deadly weapons? Ugh...I need an alternative plan!
An hour later, the Three Little Pigs smell the scent of grilled corn in the backyard.
First Little Pig: What is that? It smells so good!
Second Little Pig: I am starving.
Third Little Pig: That smell is too tempting! Let’s try to grab some and get back inside the house as fast as we can.
Tim: What corn? Where did it come from?
Third Little Pig: On the grill in your backyard! (He looks up.) Uh-oh...the Wolf
is …He-elp!
Cultural Note
The Princess Bride (1987), a classic American romantic comedy movie, is a fairy tale adventure about Princess Buttercup and her true love Westley. The beautiful Buttercup considers herself much better than the farm boy, Westley, who she treats in a scornful manner at every turn. Whenever Buttercup gives him an order, Westley always replies, “As you wish.” Later, she realizes that Westley’s “as you wish” actually means “I love you” and she’s in love with him, too. In order for them to marry, Westley decides he must leave town to seek fortune at sea. He promises her that he will come back to marry her someday. However, Westley’s ship is attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts and Westley is presumed dead. About five years later, Princess Buttercup agrees to marry Prince Humperdinck, even though she doesn’t love him. However, she is kidnapped by bad guys before the wedding. After a dangerous journey, the princess is rescued by the man in black, who she presumes is the Dread Pirate Roberts. Confessing she doesn’t love Prince Humperdinck and revealing to the Dread Pirate Roberts that he killed her one true love, she tells him that he wishes he’d die too and shoves him down a hill. While tumbling down the hill and yelling, “As you wish,” soon she discovers he is actually Westley!
美國經典浪漫愛情喜劇《公主新娘》(The Princess Bride) (1987) 是一部關於牛奶杯公主(Princess Buttercup)和他的真愛衛斯理(Westley)童話冒險故事。美麗的牛奶杯公主認為自己比農場男孩衛斯理高貴許多,因此總是以瞧不起的姿態對待他。每次牛奶杯公主對他下命令時,他總是回答「如你所願」。後來她終於明白衛斯理的「如你所願」實際上是在說「我愛你」,她也一樣愛著他。兩人互許終生,但衛斯理決定他必須離開小鎮出海去尋找財富,他答應她,會回來娶她為妻。然而,衛斯理的船受到可怕的羅伯茲海盜(the Dread Pirate Roberts)攻擊,衛斯理被認為應該死了。五年之後,牛奶杯公主同意嫁給漢伯丁克王子 (Prince Humperdinck),即便她並不愛他。然而,她在婚禮前被壞人綁架了。歷經一段危險旅程之後,她被一個黑衣男子拯救,她覺得這男子應該就是可怕的羅伯茲海盜本人。她跟海盜坦承自己並不愛漢伯丁克王子,同時跟他說,希望他去死因為他殺了自己心愛的男人。說完便將他推下山坡。當他滾下山的同時大喊著「如你所願」時,她立刻意識他,原來這男子是衛斯理!