廚房百寶櫃 Bare Essentials in the Kitchen Cabinet---4
材料百科 Encyclopedia of Cooking Lingredients---10
春 Spring
杞子圓肉百合蛋茶 Qi Zi Longan and Lily Bulb Tea with Eggs---12
花豆蓮子薏仁糖水 Sweet Soup with Runner Beans and Lotus Seeds---14
桑寄生蓮子茶 Sang Ji Sheng Tea with Lotus Seeds---16
桂花珍珠紅豆沙 Red Bean Sweet Soup with Osmanthus and Tapioca Pearls---18
蔗汁馬蹄糕 Water chestnut Cake with sugar Cane Juice---21
蛋白杏仁茶 almond Tea with Egg White---24
八寶糖年糕 Sweet Eight Treasure New Year Cake---26
綠茶木瓜班戟 Green Tea Papaya Pancakes---29
夏 Summer
桂花雪耳馬蹄露 Water Chestnut sweet Soup with Osmanthus and White Fungus---32
洛神花圓肉杞子糕 Roselle , Longan and Qi Zi Pudding---34
麥米薏仁綠豆沙 Mung Bean Sweet Soup with Wheat and Job’s Tears---36
芒果班戟卷 Mango Pancake Rolls---39
粟粒洋薏米腐竹 Corns, Pearl Barley and dried Beancurd Skin Sweet Soup---42
斑蘭蛋糕 Pandan Cake---44
豆沙草餅 Kusa Mochi Stuffed with Sweet Bean Paste---47
三花蘆薈凍糕 Triflower Aloe Vera Pudding---50
椰汁粟米糕 Corn Pudding with Coconut Milk---52
秋 Autumn
杏汁燉木瓜 double Steamed Papaya in Almond Milk---54
雪耳合桃糊 Creamy Walnut Paste with White Fungus---56
椰茸椰果南瓜糕 Pumpkin Cake with shredded Coconut and Nata De Coco---58
鮮青檸柚子蜜 Honey Citron Drink with Fresh Lime---60
合桃糖不甩 Sweet Glutinous Rice Balls with Walnuts---62
奶黃冰皮月餅 Egg Custard snowy Mooncakes---64
鮮淮山椰汁紫米露 Fresh Chinese Yam and Black glutinous Rice in Coconut Milk---68
川貝鮮百合燉秋梨 Double Steamed Pear with Chuan Bei and Lily Bulbs---70
松子仁粟子露 Creamy Pine Nut and chestnut Paste---72
眉豆紅豆糕 Black-Eyed Pea and Red Bean Cake---74
冬 Winter
黨參南棗蛋茶 Dang shen and Black Date Tea with Eggs---76
紅棗茸黃糖缽仔糕 Steamed Brown Sugar Bowl Cakes with Red Date Shreds---78
香茅芋頭番薯糖水 Lemongrass, Taro and Sweet Potaot Sweet Soup---80
花生芝麻甜茶果 Steamed Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Peanut and Sesame Seeds---82
蒸全蛋蛋糕 Steamed Whole Egg Cake---84
花生腰果露 Creamy Peanut and Cashew Paste---86
擂沙湯丸 Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Sesame Paste and Sweet Bean Paste---88
羔燒南瓜 Stewed Pumpkin in Syrup---90
酒釀冬茸流黃湯丸 Dumplings with Runny Yolk Filling in Fermented Glutinous Rice---92